
2021 CLAS Schools of Distinctions and Banner Schools

Hartselle Intermediate School

Jun 28, 2022, 08:57 AM by Anita Reid

The Tiger Way

School of Distinction AwardHartselle City Schools

Principal, Mrs. Earon Sheats

Superintendent, Dr. Dee Dee Jones

Hartselle Intermediate School (HIS) stakeholders, faculty, and staff created a “greenhouse” that inspired and prepared all students for learning, leadership, and life through the development of #TheTigerWay.The Tiger Way was the embodiment of the school’s core values which the staff used as part of a common language that became the foundation throughout HIS. Led by student members of the HIS media team, each morning the school recited the Tiger Way pledge to show commitment to the Tiger Way character initiative. Core values were displayed in classrooms and throughout the building. The master schedule was adjusted to prioritize “Tiger Time.” Homeroom teachers had specified time built into each day to meet with “Tiger Time” students. Core values guided instruction and discussions for these lessons. HIS had a dedicated character team that created a shared Google resource so that the entire campus focused on common traits. HIS administration adopted The Tiger Way reflection form and peer mediation strategies to utilize for discipline issues. Through student-led conferences, each student invited a parent, guardian, or a trusted adult to attend a face-to-face or virtual meeting. Students shared academic progress, work portfolios, and character development. The Tiger Way produced many student-led action teams which focused on community service and service-learning. The combined efforts of all stakeholders contributed to the success of The Tiger Way.

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