
2021 CLAS Schools of Distinctions and Banner Schools

Ohatchee Elementary School

Jun 28, 2022, 09:01 AM by Anita Reid

Academic Opportunities

School of Distinction AwardCalhoun County Schools

Principal, Mrs. Tesha Crump

Superintendent, Mr. Donald Turner, Jr.

Academic Opportunities at Ohatchee Elementary School (OES) was conceptualized, created, led, and monitored by the school’s dedicated 6th grade teachers and pioneered a unique way to provide both academic intervention and enrichment to 6th grade students. Dependent on STAR and class performance, the program centered around six academic learning opportunities available to students. Fluid grouping of students allowed for easy transition from strategic math or reading intervention times to technology and project-based classes and STEAM activities such as coding, stop motion videos, robotics, and more. Students became partners with teachers in working towards academic success. Each student knew personal learning targets and the steps to accomplish goals. The teacher became the facilitator for the learning process and was available for one-on-one support to bolster performance and redirect and reteach. The program rekindled a fire and passion in teachers as it provided freedom to collaborate and create new instructional pathways for student success. The program’s high level of student engagement and motivation ignited student ownership of learning. The addition of Academic Opportunities transformed Ohatchee Elementary School and served as a catalyst for scholastic growth and success through meaningful and empowering practices for both students and teachers.

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