

2020 CLAS Convention to Be Delivered Virtually

May 12, 2020, 10:48 AM by Alyssa Godfrey, Director of Communications and Technology
The 49th Annual CLAS Convention - CLAS Convention @ Home Virtual Announcement


Montgomery, Ala – May 12, 2020:
 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and current guidelines regarding large gatherings in the state of Alabama, the CLAS Executive Committee, along with recommendations from CLAS Executive Director Dr. Vic Wilson, has decided to offer the 2020 CLAS Convention virtually.

To increase the availability of outstanding educational content, PLU offerings, and networking opportunities during this challenging environment, CLAS is taking its annual convention virtual. The CLAS Convention @ Home event will be expanded from 2.5 days to 3.5 days so that we can deliver content to you.  Additionally, CLAS has added a post conference featuring John Hattie as the keynote speaker beginning at 3:30 PM on June 18, 2020 and concluding with collaborative workshop on Friday morning, June 19, 2020.   

Because of the virtual format, CLAS is lowering the price of attendance for both members ($150) and non-members ($325) while increasing the number of professional learning opportunities for all attendees. All registrants for the face-to-face event will be automatically registered for the CLAS Convention @ Home. Refunds will be issued for the price difference. Those previously registered for the face-to-face event will need to cancel any room reservations that were made in advance.

“Over the comings weeks, we will be finalizing the new schedule of events and working on some exciting networking opportunities in the digital space,” says CLAS Executive Director Dr. Vic Wilson. “While it saddens us to not be able to meet in the traditional setting, I am confident in our ability to deliver outstanding content in a virtual setting.”

CLAS has hand-picked the content leaders for this event. Speakers have been chosen for their reputation and expertise in their fields. CLAS is dedicated to continuing to provide informative, engaging, and enlightening sessions for Alabama’s educators. In addition, CLAS has secured Post-Conference Content including “Stem the Tide of the COVID Slide” LIVE with John Hattie and “Teams Improving Practice: Getting Your Teams to Collaborative IMPACT” with Richard Erdmann and Christine Drew for $80 (members and non-members).

In addition to providing high-quality professional learning content, CLAS offers its corporate partners opportunities to connect with potential customers. Relationship-building is a key component in the exhibit hall experience, and CLAS remains committed to providing similar opportunities formatted for a digital experience.

This Convention is designed for educators in a supervisory role including principals, assistant principals, superintendents, assistant superintendents, curriculum supervisors, personnel administrators, career-technical administrators, child nutrition directors, school business officials, special education directors, attendance supervisors. College faculty, State Department personnel, aspiring administrators, teacher leaders, retired administrators, education consultants, and anyone earning PLUs will also find great value in attending this virtual Convention.

About CLAS: The Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools (CLAS) was founded in 1969 by a small group of school leaders to provide targeted professional development and support for Alabama’s public school administrators.  CLAS now serves eleven affiliates representing each type of public school/school system leader.  CLAS provides the framework to connect dedicated school administrators and other successful leaders with a network for professional growth and support.  CLAS is the premier professional learning provider for administrators in public schools in the state of Alabama.

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