

Dr. Jimmy Hull Named Assistant Superintendent of Career Technical Education and Workforce Development

Jun 14, 2020, 19:33 PM by Alyssa Godfrey, Director of Communications and Technology
Dr. Hull named Assistant Superintendent of ACTE

Montgomery, AL – June 15, 2020:  Alabama State Superintendent Dr. Eric Mackey, appointed Dr. Jimmy Hull as the Assistant Superintendent of Career Technical Education and Workforce Development at the June Alabama State Board of Education meeting. 

 Dr. Hull stated, “My family and I are extremely excited for this opportunity and I look forward to working with Dr. Mackey and the State Board of Education to move Career and Technical Education and Workforce Development forward in Alabama.  CTE is a critical part of the K-12 education program in Alabama and it is important that we implement a system that not only provides students with access to quality programs but also aligns with the state's workforce demands.  I can't wait to join the CTE team at the department, roll up my sleeves, and get to work.” 

 Dr. Hull has extensive leadership experience in Alabama schools.  During his career he has served as the president-elect, president, past-president, and vice-president of the Association of Career Technical Administrators.  Dr. Hull has served as the District IV president for the Alabama Association of Secondary School Principals.  He has also served as a member of the CLAS Board of Directors and has been a CLAS member since 2002.   

 Leaders and members of ACTA are excited to have Dr. Jimmy Hull in this vital position.  ACTA President, Ken Sealy states, “The recommendation of Dr. Jimmy Hull as Assistant Superintendent of Career Technical Education and Workforce Development will no doubt move CTE forward in Alabama. Dr. Hull has been a true leader with the Alabama Association of Career and Technical Administrators for several years, including serving as President in 2018 and 2019. His experience as a CTE Director will be invaluable as he works across Alabama to strengthen and expand the importance of Career and Technical Education. ACTA is very pleased to have one of our own chosen for this position, and we look forward to continuing to build a close partnership with the ALSDE staff.” 

 Likewise, the President of ALACTE, Lt. Colonel Robert F. Barrow notes, “Dr. Jimmy Hull will make a major difference in Career and Technical Education/Workforce Development and return Alabama as the model for programs across the country.  I am proud to be his colleague and look forward to brighter days ahead as we prepare Alabama’s workforce of tomorrow!”

 CLAS Executive Director, Dr. Vic Wilson states, “Dr. Jimmy Hull is the perfect person to lead Career Tech and Workforce Development for Alabama.  At every point in his career, Dr. Hull has been a servant leader with a laser focused goal of improving the lives of those under his care.  I know that he will continue improving lives in his new position.  CLAS is proud to salute Dr. Jimmy Hull and stands ready to assist him in his new role.”


 About CLAS: CLAS, the Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools was founded in 1969 by a small group of school leaders to provide targeted professional development and support for Alabama’s public school administrators.  CLAS now serves eleven affiliates representing each type of public school/school system leader.  CLAS provides the framework to connect dedicated school administrators and other successful leaders with a network for professional growth and support.  CLAS is the premier professional learning provider for administrators in public schools in the state of Alabama.

 About ACTA: The mission of the Alabama Association of Career and Technical Administrators (ACTA) is to promote and develop Career Technical Education through mutual encouragement and assistance of members in the administration and supervision of local programs.