
CLAS & Affiliate Events

AASPA Fall Drive-In 2022

4000 Grand Avenue

The annual fall drive-in workshop for school personnel administrators and human resource professionals in Alabama schools and school systems.

October 21, 2022

  Renaissance Birmingham Ross Bridge 
4000 Grand Avenue, Birmingham, AL 35226

AASPA's Fall Drive-In Conference will remain a premier event for professional learning and networking for school personnel administrators.  We know you need resources and best practices to help you succeed in the following months.  Join us October 21, 2022, at Renaissance Ross Bridge in Birmingham as we present the most up-to-date comprehensive one-day learning opportunity for Alabama Personnel Administrators!  

$50.00 AASPA (You must be a member of AASPA through CLAS) - $75.00 Non-Member Fee.  Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. Lunch will be provided.

Hotel Reservations: Call the Renaissance Birmingham Ross Bridge at 844-631-0595 to book your hotel room.

Register Online Now!

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