
Lauderdale County High School

Jun 28, 2022, 09:10 AM by Anita Reid

12 Days of Giving

School of Distinction AwardLauderdale County Schools

Principal, Mr. Casey Tate

Superintendent, Mr. Jerry Hill

Lauderdale County High School’s (LCHS) 12 Days of Giving was born from a desire to implement a school-wide service project. The overall goal was to honor groups of people who do not receive much recognition. These groups included support staff, custodians, lunchroom staff, school nurses, bus drivers, substitutes, district office secretaries, maintenance/transportation workers, local Police/Fire Departments, local businesses, local churches, and local children in need. After the list of honorees was established, student groups chose a day to sponsor and then planned the details of the presentation, including what to give. Examples included thank you notes, goody bags, meals, and even visits to show gratitude. Giving and serving started within the walls of the school and then expanded outward to the district office and community. Day 12 culminated with an Angel Tree where every student in PreK-12 had the opportunity to give money toward helping their peers in need. Students were also involved in shopping for these gifts. Through this project, over 1,000 people were honored as students raised almost $10,000 for Angel Tree gifts. This exhibited giving and serving BY students FOR students and community. The 12 Days of Giving encouraged others and restored hope amid challenging times while promoting invaluable life lessons of giving, character development, and servant leadership.

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