
Piedmont High School

Jun 28, 2022, 09:03 AM by Anita Reid

Piedmont Promise Project (3P)Banner School Award Logo

Piedmont City Schools

Principal, Dr. Adam Clemons

Superintendent, Mr. Mike Hayes

The Piedmont Promise Project (3P) is a graduation requirement of all Piedmont High School seniors. The 3P journey of self-awareness, personal growth and responsibility focuses on thirty-five tasks seniors must complete, an exit interview to present portfolios to faculty members, and a Senior Showcase open to the public where business, government, and community members experience each student’s 3P showcase. The thirty-five tasks are divided among five sections of focus. The General Section requires seniors to create an electronic portfolio, cover letter, and professional resume. In the College Section, seniors write a two-page post-graduation reflection plan, complete a college application, scholarship application, and FAFSA application, and attend seminars on graduation requirements, understanding transcripts, and college choices. The Career Section requires seniors to create a LinkedIn account, complete an employment application and career interest inventory, job shadow with completed interview and evaluation worksheets (coordinated by the Chamber of Commerce), attend the East Alabama Career Fair, and secure two letters of recommendations. Additionally, seniors attend Advantage Plus, a full day of activities off campus. The Academic/Extracurricular Section requires seniors to write a reflection on their high school career, acquire transcripts, submit four-year academic high school plan, conduct a learning style assessment, and complete a research paper, drawing, or photograph representing his or her “best work”. The Community Service Section requires seniors to write a reflection on what it means to be an involved member of the community, complete a minimum of two-hours of community service, and handwrite a thank you letter. 3P has achieved its goal of giving Piedmont graduates an advantage over other high school graduates as evidenced by the school having the top College and Career Readiness percentage in Alabama (100%) and one of the top graduation rates in Alabama (98.8%), according to the Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama. Additionally, scholarship awards for graduates have increased by close to one million dollars.

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